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She knew it and played up to him. He bought a shirt and a pair of pants and Marcie smiled at him. I swear I could see his cock getting hard. Driving back home I teased him about it and he admitted she had “affected” him. It was funny to see him get horny.The night came and we headed off. Dad in his new clothes and me in my usual tarty clothes. I just loved dressing provocatively as it turned me on. We got to Sue and Sid’s house and the party had already started. Sue greeted us. She kissed me and then gave Dad a French kiss. There was quite a crowd and the wine and beer flowed freely. I spotted a couple of guys I had had the pleasure of. Dad and I went our separate ways. I knew he would enjoy a couple of scanty dressed women so I checked out the male talent. One guy I didn’t recognise was talking to Sid. I walked up and said hi to Sid. He kissed me on the cheek and introduced me to Roland. He was maybe 6’ 6” tall, solidly built and black. “Hi honey” he said and his deep voice had me. Tina was a girl who we had become to know through one of our kids baseball leagues. As the convener, she was the go-to person for any and all complaints and concerns that any of the parents had. After one of the games, my wife and I needed to talk to her about some of the calls from the umps. After a lengthy conversation with Tina, we found out that we had a lot in common and quickly became fast friends with her and Larry, her husband. Sharing meals off the BBQ and hot tubing in each others yards soon became a weekly adventure. Kim, my wife, seemed to get along better with Larry while Tina and I got alone great. Perhaps it was that Tina and I both had very sexual and adventurous pasts while both Kim and Larry had very limited experiences before being married. The sexual innuendos were always hanging in the air while we chatted over steaks or burgers. Gradually, Tina and I began to text one and other on occasion just to find out what each other were up to. The texts began to get more.
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